Empower and Preach Membership Will Help You Run a Profitable Business Sharing Your Knowledge
What is the Empower and Preach Community?
It’s an online community that helps Hare Krishna devotees practice and preach Krishna consciousness in today’s world using proven principles, expert coaching and collaboration with devotees from all around the world.
It's for devotees who want to make a difference. You can be one of them!
Who is Krsnendu dasa?
Undergoing financial difficulties for the first time in my life in 2009, I had first hand experience of the challenges devotees face trying be Krishna conscious while struggling to make money to feed the family.
This experience drove me study the challenges devotees face and to look for solutions.
Now I can share what I have discovered. Through my own struggles and research I have found a simple framework that can help any devotee successfully navigate any challenge life throws at them.
Drawing on my experiences as a successful triathlete, teacher and committed devotee for over 30 years, my mission is to help devotees be successful in all areas of life with Krishna consciousness in the centre.