Empower and Preach Membership Will Help You Become a More Effective Preacher

What is the Empower and Preach Community?
It’s an online community that helps Hare Krishna devotees practice and preach Krishna consciousness in today’s world using proven principles, expert coaching and collaboration with devotees from all around the world.
It's for devotees who want to make a difference. You can be one of them!
Who is Krsnendu dasa?
Undergoing financial difficulties for the first time in my life in 2009, I had first hand experience of the challenges devotees face trying be Krishna conscious while struggling to make money to feed the family.
This experience drove me study the challenges devotees face and to look for solutions.
Now I can share what I have discovered. Through my own struggles and research I have found a simple framework that can help any devotee successfully navigate any challenge life throws at them.
Drawing on my experiences as a successful triathlete, teacher and committed devotee for over 30 years, my mission is to help devotees be successful in all areas of life with Krishna consciousness in the centre.
How can you benefit from joining the community?
What you'll get...

Instant access to high-value content
Instant access to digital training materials that cover different aspects of practicing and preaching Krishna consciousness.
Exclusive access to a dedicated community
Get direct access to devotees who are expert in their field. Find out what is working right now.

Live Community Events
Connect with other sincere devotees to share great tips, resources and discussions online and in-person.
What makes this community different from other online groups?
Unlike other Facebook groups, you can be sure that there will be no offending devotees and arguing about philosophical points that don’t really affect our daily lives. Instead this community is focused on helping each other practically to become Krishna conscious and spread Krishna consciousness.
The world around us evolves constantly. Krsnendu keeps himself up to date with the latest and most effective preaching and community-building strategies regularly, not only by reading books and doing courses, but also by connecting with devotees who are active in the preaching field so that he can share what he’s learned with you.
So if would like to learn to preach more effectively so that you can help more people become Krishna conscious, then joining the community is definitely the best decision you can make right now!
Great! I want to associate with devotees who are serious about their own spiritual growth and about spreading Krishna consciousness effectively. I want to get access to this exclusive community.
If you are interested, please apply.
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