Author Archives: Krsnendu dasa
Author Archives: Krsnendu dasa
In this episode I share my Vyasa puja offerings to Srila Prabhupada from 2012 and from 2013. I thought you might find it interesting to compare them and note the progress. I picked up a few themes as I listened again. What did you pick up? What has changed since 2012? What has stayed the […]
Continue readingIn this episode we interview Krishna conscious rapper Mikey Jay ( Mikey is working on a project to create an album presenting the philosophy of Sri Isopanisad through rap and hip hop music. I have already watched some of the videos he has produced for the first two tracks and I am impressed. Here is Mikey Jay […]
Continue readingWe read in the Bhagavad-gita that happiness is a characteristic of a person acting in the mode of goodness. Is this happiness the result of being in the mode of goodness? Or is being happy a way to cultivate the mode of goodness? To put it another way…
Continue readingIn this episode I caught up with my old friend and long-time book distributor, Bhrigupati Prabhu as he drove me to the airport in Los Angeles. Bhrigupati Prabhu has been distributing books ever since he joined the Hare Krishna movement in the early 70s and is still going strong after 40 years. During our 20 […]
Continue readingIn this episode H.H. Giriraj Swami talks about Stephen Covey‘s concept of maturity as the “balance between courage and consideration” (win-win). He shows how we need to look after ourselves if we want to keep helping others. To learn more about His Holiness Giriraja Swami visit:
Continue readingIn this episode His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami discusses using our psychophysical nature so that we can engage ourselves properly in Krishna consciousness. This is the basis of the varnasrama system and follows on from our discussion last week with His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami about how to find your varna.
Continue readingFollow Your Nature In this week’s episode we discuss varnasrama and following your nature then using it in Krishna’s service. There is a quick recap of some personal experiences from Krsnendu dasa that inspired this topic. The main feature of the show is an excerpt from a teleclass given by HH Bhakti Charu Swami answering […]
Continue readingIn this week’s podcast we hear how Indradyumna Swami was inspired by a famous football player, and how that interaction still influences him today.
Continue readingDid you miss the first part of the interview? Click here: Urmila Part One At the end of the first part of the interview we were hearing how the Learn to Read books project was facing major challenges. Urmila was feeling stuck and unsure of how to proceed. In this part we will hear how […]
Continue readingIn this episode we will hear part one of a two-part interview series with Urmila Devi Dasi, where she describes how she created an amazing series of 83 Krishna conscious books designed to help children learn to read. And how she did it in only 3 years! This is the first interview ever recorded for […]
Continue readingWe recently just observed the Gaura Purnima Festival, which is New Year for Gaudiya Vaisnavas. It reminded me of this email I received from His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami at the beginning of the year. I hope you also get inspiration from it to make the best use of every day. Your servant, Krsnendu dasa _______________________________________________
Continue readingI just wanted to share something which I’ve personally been finding helpful. Negative talk (prajalpa) is a bad habit that most of us fall into at some time or other (or most of the time for some people)-: I was therefore interested when I was sent the link below from Urmila Devi Dasi on Facebook. In a nutshell […]
Continue readingIn this episode, we interview Krsnanandini devi dasi from The Grhastha Vision Team where she discusses some of the key issues affecting marriages and relationships within the Krishna consciousness movement and where devotees can go for support in the all important grhastha ashrama. Some points covered in the interview The three biggest issues facing grihasthas […]
Continue readingHare Krishna, Just thought I would shoot a quick video to say thanks for being part for the Successful Vaisnavas community and to let you know what we have planned. Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Your servant, Krsnendu dasa
Continue readingIn this episode Akrura Prabhu introduces us to GITA Coaching, a Krishna conscious leadership and life coaching program based on Bhagavad-gita. Listen in to find out what GITA stands for in GITA Coaching. We also discuss the importance of generosity, what it means to be independently thoughtful and what Krishna consciousness has to offer beyond […]
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